There's a free kindergarten for 4 year old and this only apply to kindergarten that offers session timing. Childcare may have it but I find the deduction is not that much. Oh yes, do check with your city council if the kinder freebie is only free for the 15 hours per week.
My son attends full-day childcare. School fees can cost you $130 per day. With the fantastic facilities/amenities that the school has to offer, it is worth it. Food is provided several times throughout the day and the teacher in-charge for that class will update the class activities into the parent portal app daily. This school provides halal meat only and they check with parents if there are special occasions which the parent wants the child to not participate. Although the school fees can be quite expensive, if you're a PR, you can get childcare subsidy from Centrelink.
As for primary school, you have to stay within 2km to enrol your child. Do check your visa with the school if your children is eligible for free education. Secular schools are basically free for PR and Australian citizens. There's a voluntary financial contribution payment to support the school but it is not compulsory to pay. I know friends who send their children to secular schools here. I like that the students are allowed to wear their hijabs in school. Food wise? Well, most south-east schools provide halal options for recess and lunch. Not all schools have a canteen, so parents will need to order their child's food in advance before the cut-off time. Otherwise, its packed breakfast and lunch. Australia is big on Tapao. It is a norm to bring your own food from home. Just make sure to adhere to your child's class allergies.
My daughter attends a private school. There isn't a test needed for them to enrol unlike in Singapore Madrasah. School fees are reasonable too. In addition, my husband works as the Teacher there and we received staff discounts. So, if you're a teacher or early childhood educator, do check out your benefits.
As for medical plan, please share with the school admin if your child has any. Go to the nearest GP to get it certified by the doctor. The school will provide a document for you to fill it up. Teachers and staffs will assist to administer any medication or attend to any allergies for your child.
For more updated information, please click here.
Some photos of my kids in school.

Remarks on Pictures: Preschools are big in play-based and intentional learning. Before lesson starts and after lessons ended, students can go and play. My son loves the sand play area. Before enroling your child, do go for their tour. They give you 1-to-1 tour with the teacher explaining to you their curriculum, the food etc. My son's school has a lot of PETS! Such as birds, fish, chickens and lizard guys. Tu lizard my biggest PETPEEVE. Nasib I'm not a teacher there.

My daughter is in a private Islamic school.
Alhamdulilah facilities are great. They are serious about play-time. We are truly blessed to be able to send them to great schools with dedicated loving teachers.

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